Jan 23 2011

Energy Storage

Published by genportadministrator at %I:%M %p under Energy Storage

GENPORT systems are based on  polymeric membrane fuel cell.

Hydrogen operates as a fuel and it supplies the anode, whereas air enters the fuel cell from the cathode side.

If the fuel cell is used instead of a secondary battery, the recharging time will be related to the time necessary for replacing the cartridge, instead of several hours which would be necessary for recharging an accumulator pack.

Moreover, transforming chemical energy into electric energy, without combustion, it provides an absolutely clean and non-polluting process, since the single residue will consists of water steam.

An hybrid system combines quick and easy start of batteries and fuel cell, utilizing hydrogen as fuel.  This type of system technology coniugates both energy density  and safety requirements, extending  runtime as well as providing pick power when requested for limited time.

This emerging technology has a potential to benefit of the expected future improvements in the field of hydrogen and ion lithium storage technologies .

Where do you see the  portable fuel cell technology is moving in the next 10 years?

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